Archive for December, 2012

Freeing Up The Fruin.

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012


Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association.

Fisheries Improvement Group.

This blog chronicles the work of the FIG and will be updated periodically outlining progress and news of relevant issues.


The freshwater environment is critical to the life cycle of all fish populations. Salmon and sea-trout require high quality streams with unimpeded access to and from the spawning areas. Ensuring the best possible habitat is available is fundamental to maximising fish production. Once habitat surveying is completed, a practical programme of habitat enhancement is planned to restore impacted areas. This will include bank protection to mitigate against the effects of erosion and removal of obstructions to ensure migratory fish get free passage to their spawning grounds.

The previous committee embarked on an expensive smolt farming experiment where brood stock from the Lomond catchment area were taken up to Fort William, stripped of their eggs/milt then reared to pre smolt stage. The pre smolts were then brought back down to the Lomond area to be held in holding tanks to imprint them before release into the Endrick or Fruin.

This committee are promoting catch and release by offering incentives and are eager to embark on a program of habitat improvement. Many association members have contacted the committee and are eager to help.

The Vice Chairman of the LLAIA recently conducted a survey of various stretches or the River Fruin, an area largely neglected by the previous committee and found some areas badly in need of remedial work at the earliest opportunity.


It is the intention of the committee to work closely with Dr Andrew Burrows of the LLFT, Scottish National Heritage, Landowners, National Park Authority, Marine Scotland and local farmers to improve the river habitat in the areas which we either own or lease. The LLAIA / LLFT will draw up a site-management plan that assess the state of the Lomond system and plan appropriate improvements.


River Fruin – April 2012.

This is the largest of a number of trees that have fallen into the river at the stretch known to anglers as the” Horseshoe”, this tree will need cut into sections and dragged out by a tractor / digger. The tree spans the complete river width.

River bank erosion, soil getting washed into river and clogging gravel.

This is one of the main spawning burns on the Fruin. It was blocked from bank to bank with dead wood preventing the free passage of Salmon and Sea Trout.

Debris removed from blockage.

The stream is free of obstructions after only 45minutes work.

20 tons of boulders ready for bank maintenance.

LLAIA Vice Chairman Sid Gath checking the gravel for compactness.

Invertebrate life, vital for juvenile fish, was also cataloged.

Habitat improvement on the River Fruin will continue. Hard work carried out with the guidance of the Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust will ensure that it continues to function as one of the prime spawning areas of the Lomond system.