The Annual General Meeting of the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association was held at Partick Burgh Hall on Wednesday 27 February. The meeting commenced at 7.30 pm with 75 members present.
After the regular business of the evening (agenda items 1-12) had been carried out the regularly proposed and seconded amendments to the constitution and bye laws ( agenda items 13 – 17) were debated and voted on by members.
(Item 13) Amendment to Constitution Section 17. Dissolution Policy – rejected.
(Item 14) Amendment to Constitution Section 5. Membership – passed.
5(b) Association full members must submit a catch return form no later than 30 days after the end of a season i.e. 30 November. Renewal of membership will not be granted until a return is received and an administration fee on top of the annual membership subscription in the following season may be charged if deemed appropriate by the committee.
(Item 15) Amendment to Bye Laws. Allow trolling and fishing for ferox trout on a Sunday – rejected.
(Item 16) Amendment to Bye Laws. Use of barbless hooks from 11 February until 1 May – rejected.
(Item 17) Additional Bye Law. Closing of fishing above Fintry – passed.
This refers to the LLAIA owned single bank stretch above Fintry Bridge known as Bogside and means that as a conservation measure fishing will be suspended with the area left as a spawning sanctuary for game fish. It is not intended as a permanent measure but can be reviewed by the committee and withdrawn if it is felt that stocks are plentiful enough to sustain fishing in the area.
Meeting closed at 9.55pm.
Committee Members
The LLAIA relies on the time and expertise that our members voluntarily contribute to ensure the successful running of the Association. We are seeking new committee members and this is a great chance for anyone who has a passion for the Lomond system to bring new ideas and energy to our thinking. If you have some time to spare and feel that you can ‘make a difference’ please contact the chairman or secretary.
Vale of Leven District Angling Club
The Voldac representative to the LLAIA committee for season 2019 is Tam McBride. We thank him for his assistance and wish him another successful year.
LLAIA Committee.