It’s easy and affordable to join the
L.L.A.I.A. and it gives you access to some of the highest quality Salmon and Seatrout angling in the
Simply follow the links below to download a membership application form in Adobe Acrobat format.
Please note that if paying by PayPal there is a slight increase in charges. This increase covers the Association for the charges levied by PayPal to the nearest pound and will be added to your renewal fee e.g. full members will pay £218.00 instead of £210.00.
If you apply in December using the 3 monthly payments option the first debit will come off your account immediately and your permit will be issued in February. Should you delay in applying there will be a corresponding delay in the issue of your permit e.g. members who sign up later than December will have to allow 3 months to elapse before an annual membership is sent out by post, for example, if you intend to fish from mid-April you will have to sign up by mid-January.
All members paying by PayPal must still fill in a membership form and forward it to our office at; LLAIA, PO BOX 26346, Glasgow, G76 6BS.
Please note that there is a one off membership joining fee of £25 for new members but not for juniors.