Members, associate member and ticket holders are reminded that catch returns for this season are urgently required for submission to Marine Scotland by 31 December 2016

These returns will once again be used in the determination of the Lomond System conservation categorisation for season 2018.

We were granted a reprieve from Cat 3 to Cat 2 for season 2017, but once again this will be reviewed using catch returns and if season 2016 shows a drop, then we could be designated Cat 3 for season 2018.  Even if you had a blank season we still need your return.

We realise that the electronic submission system has been proving problematic for some members. There is no transmission receipt showing if your return has been made successfully. The returns system will be reviewed before the end of season 2017 as we can’t afford to lose this data and need the membership’s full co operation.

In the meantime would all members, even if you’ve already submitted online, please complete this manually by posting to the office or emailing:

A stock of forms have been made available for members of VOLDAC at the club.


LLAIA Interim Committee.