Another very good week following the lifting of the suspension on fishing continuing a great re-start.The past week has continued to see fish both landed and moving up through the system. This weeks rain though very welcome was alas too short lived in duration to make a profound impact but it will help to freshen and flush out some of the system.
The River Leven
Continuing his successful start Samuel Burgoyne added another salmon of 14lb on the 8th June this time from the River Leven on the Top Pool whilst spinning.

Samuel Burgoyne understandably smiling with a lovely fish from the Top Pool
Angler Alex Doey landed an 11lb salmon whilst spinning (Flying C) on Tuesday evening at the Top Pool earning him the honour of being the first VOLDAC member to land a fish from the River Leven this season.
Whilst not widely renowned for it’s head of wild brown trout, the River Leven can and does in fact hold and produce some excellent brown trout as this fly angler demonstrated in successfully tempting, playing and landing a healthy Leven ‘broonie”. So if wild brown trout fishing is your passion then the River Leven should be on your list.
Gauge heights remain low with only light rain showers in the forecast for the next 5-7 days so perhaps a rain (not river) dance is in order.
Image above shows current temperature and water level of the River Leven at the Bonhill Pool, it also includes high and low tides at Bowling and water levels at Linbrane (©SEPA). For latest details of water temperature and levels please go to
Tide tables be found on our Website at the following link :
Loch Lomond
Angler Jim Hyslop also continued to build on his recent successful start from last week with Jim adding to his tally with another fish of 9.5lbs (salmon). Meanwhile on Monday 8th June angler Peter Rodgers landed a 14lb fish on the loch at at Ross Du (University Bay). On the same day angler Alastair Burns landed a 9.5lb fish on the troll.
Whilst unconfirmed at the time of publishing – Balmaha based angler Bob Forbshaw was rewarded with two fish, the first one on Thursday 4th June (13lb) and another last Friday 5th June (9lb). Bob also lost another good fish on Saturday 6th June proving that there are fish around.
Angler Scott Jose landed this lovely ‘trout’ of approximately 4lb whilst spinning on Thursday 11th June, ‘discussion’ continues on social media as to whether it is a sea trout, brown trout or even a ferox. It appears to be a sea trout that has been in the loch for some time but……some may have another view.
Whilst Scott’s angling companion J.Maitland landed this fabulous well fed pike
The Estuary
The estuary continues to provide lively action for anglers with verbal reports of good numbers of sea trout around and successful catches for many anglers at the usual marks.
In this the second week of angling following the lifting of the suspension then there is much to be positive about with anglers reporting catches of fresh run fish in both the loch and the River Leven. We wish everyone the best of luck in their fishing exploits and respectfully remind all anglers to observe best practice at all times in carefully netting, unhooking and releasing your prize fish and to stay safe whilst on the banks or on the water.
We definitely encourage all anglers to share your fishing tales, stories and photographs (coarse or game fishing) with us. In doing so we can recognise and share your successes with all of our members and visitors. Please therefore send your tales, photographs and details by email to