This past week has been a bit of a mixed bag both in terms of weather and reported catches. Reported catches on the Leven are low than expected this week which is of course is not say that there have been more fish hooked or lost but simply not been reported. Some very welcomed rain has seen rising levels in the more water dependent waters like the Fruin and the Endrick rise and drop several times this week. For those anglers lucky enough to be able to respond and fish these waters on the falling gauge then many have enjoyed successes. The weather conditions for the week ahead looks even more mixed with more showers and temperatures falling initially with a NW wind and showers before getting warmer towards the end of the week as wind changing to a southerly.
River Leven
The first reported fish from the Leven came on Wednesday 22nd July when Craig McKerry landed a cracking 6lb Grilse on the worm at “The Piles” which was safely returned.

Craig McKerry 6lb Grilse 22nd July
On Wednesday 22nd July Leven angler Chic McLean landed this gorgeous 12lb fish on a Rapala at “Ritchie’s Lade“, congratulations and well done Angus!

Angus Soutter 12lb Salmon 22nd July
River Leven Water Conditions
Image above shows current temperature and water level of the River Leven at the Bonhill Pool, it also includes high and low tides at Bowling and water levels at Linbrane (©SEPA). For the latest water height information continue to check the LLAIA website at
Additionally the current water gauge level for the River Leven at Linbrane can be obtained from SEPA by following this link
Local information concerning tide tables can be found here
Loch Lomond
Fresh run Grilse are still clearly in evidence, William Casey landed a beautiful 5lb Grilse example on Tuesday 21st July congratulations and well done William.
On the same day Alastair Burns landed a stunning 6lb Grilse at Ptarmigan Lodge way to go Alastair!
Meanwhile on Friday 24th July Scott Sinclair, our very own Treasurer, kept his run of form going this week with a lovely Grilse of 5lb at Doune area. The fish was safely if ‘prematurely’ released having refused to stay around long enough for a photo, well done Scott.

Scott Sinclair netting a 5lb Grilse 24th July 2020
On Saturday 25th July experienced loch angler Stephen McBride landed a 6.5lb silver bar at “The Golf Course”, congratulations Stephen and an extremely well earned and deserved first Lomond Salmon (Grilse).
Loch angler comes to the aid of swimmer
Late on Monday morning well known VOLDAC member and regular Loch fisher John Connolly came to the rescue of a exhausted swimmer on Aber Isle.
The incident was observed by one of our Baliffs and a Police Officer on board the bailiff boat on Monday. It was getting a bit breezy and choppy on the eastern side of Loch and Endrick bank area and this and some squally showers had dropped the temperatures.
As they were coming out Balmaha bay and started heading south along the bank we saw a fishing boat going right into the Aber Isle! Our Bailiff and the Police officer spoke about this as it is very unusual given the risky rocky terrain around Aber. There were no other boats about and as we got nearer from our binoculars we saw a fishing boat coming back off the Aber and setting lines back out for trolling and heading south towards Ross Priory. As we came alongside it was John Connolly with a rescued relieved swimmer in his boat (Not a mermaid!). Despite the swimmer having all the appropriate gear, wet suit, cap, fluorescent tow buoy he had however run into difficulties with his swim and could not make it back to Ross Priory because of the conditions.
He had caught John’s attention who went in to the isle and safely picked him up and transported the swimmer back to Ross Priory, albeit he still had to get his trolling lures out for the short trip to the priory – dedication! The swimmer looked relieved and happy to be on board John’s boat, after offering assistance which wasn’t needed the Bailiff boat headed on its way.
The swimmer was very lucky indeed that John was passing and saw him, there were not many vessels out on Monday and goodness knows how long it would take for somebody else to see him.
We assume that the swimmer was grateful for John’s alertness, knowledge of the waters and prompt actions certainly credit is due to John. I’m sure that all of the LLAIA Committee and our members also wish to pass on our appreciation.
River Endrick
Conditions on the Endrick have provided some great sport this week for those who timed their trip correctly.
Experienced Endrick anglers Jamie Strachan and Malcolm McCormick both enjoyed some just rewards for their judgement and efforts on Saturday 25th July.
Malcolm McCormick certainly enjoyed a great session hitting the water at just the right time resulting in a cracking 6.5lb Grilse on a ‘Monkey’. This was complimented with two very respectable Brown Trout of 2lb and a personal Endrick best of over 3lb. Well done Malcolm for showing the way.

Malcolm MacCormick 6lb Grilse 25th July
River Fruin
Meantime also on Saturday another experienced local angler Jamie Strachan landed this beautiful fish of 8.5lb on the Fruin well done and congratulations Jamie and it is great to see the Fruin coming into play with reported catches. A reminder for everyone to share your future stories and catches please?

Jamie Strachan 8.5lb River Fruin 25th July
The Estuary
The Estuary continues to provide good sport in the form of sea trout, mostly it appears in the 1.5 to 3lb range with the normal marks proving to be productive. Let’s get some examples of some of the excellent fish and fishing in the Estuary. So let’s hear from the many anglers and their successes who are fishing these areas of our system.
It is great to hear from anglers that both the Endrick and the Friuin are now coming into their own with some excellent fish now being landed on valued these areas of our system. With further forecasts of heavy shower periods then this looks to provide further favourable fishing conditions for these particular waters.
We wish everyone the best of luck in their fishing exploits and respectfully remind all anglers to observe best practice at all times in carefully netting, unhooking and releasing your prize fish and please ask that you seek to always stay safe whilst on the banks or on the water. The image below helps to illustrate ‘best practice’ in handling and release of all fish.

Respect your fish
We actively encourage all anglers to share your fishing tales, stories and photographs (coarse or game fishing) with us. In doing so we can recognise and share your successes with all of our members and visitors. Please therefore remember to send details of your tales, photographs, stories to us by email to