The 2024 Season is up and running and we are all eagerly anticipating the first confirmed report of the first salmon being landed at any time now!
A warm welcome to all of our existing members and to our new members who have joined this season. Weather and water conditions have been
mixed since opening day with some very high water levels in the Loch and the River Leven and notably low temperatures and cold easterly winds.
The outlook is that with the Loch now dropping then the River Leven will drop over the next week or so creating lower and warmer and more favourable water conditions.
River Leven
The river levels have been consistently high for the past month or so with the majority barrage gates having to be lowered completely to cope
with the large amount of water in the Loch.
Rod pressure on the river has been low where even at weekends only a handful of anglers have been observed on the banks. It would appear that the majority of anglers are playing a waiting game until stories of the first fish are picked up by social media
or word of mouth. Fish are entering the system with every tide and will be there to be caught by those who venture out. You need to be in it to win it asthe saying goes.
River Leven Water Conditions
Image above shows current temperature and water level of the River Leven at the Bonhill Pool, it also includes high and low tides at Bowling and water levels at Linbrane (©SEPA). For the latest water height information continue to check the LLAIA website at
Additionally the current water gauge level for the River Leven at Linbrane can be obtained from SEPA by following this link
Local information concerning tide tables can be found here
Loch Lomond
Increasingly there have been a few boats venturing out onto the loch amidst cold and often windy conditions. Anglers are reporting some decent Sea Trout catches in recent weeks, mostly in the
1.5-5lb class.
VOLDAC angler John East successfully got off the mark and set the way recently with a couple of nice Sea Trout at the start of April.
John East together with his grand nephew and new junior association member Adam continued to lead the charge in April with some further good catches of some
nice Sea Trout on 25th April.
In fact, John East was out fished by grand nephew young Adam Sweeney who successfully hooked and landed a lovely Sea Trout of around 3lb his first Lomond Sea Trout and winning fish of the week for his achievement. Well done and congratulations Adam.

Young new association member Adam Sweeney with his first and award winning Lomond Sea Trout
Balmaha angler John Whitelaw lost a couple and landed a couple of nice Sea Trout of around 4 and 5lb on Tuesday 16th April all on the Rapala.
Interesting the contrast in colouring between these fish. Congratulations and well done John.
On 20th April on his first outing of the season our treasurer Scott Sinclair landed four fine Sea Trout of between 2-6lbs on the troll.
Congratulations and a good start to the 2024 season Scott.
River Endrick
Angling activity and reports of fish from the Endrick normally do not begin until around June timeframe.
However seasoned Endrick angler Colin Ferguson decided to have a few casts on 18th March on his way home from work which
produced this lovely fresh looking Sea Trout of around 2lb on a Stoat’s Tail.
Congratulations and well done Colin, a nice reward for your early season effort.

Colin Ferguson 2lb Sea Trout
River Fruin
No reports of fish off of the Fruin, this is a later season spate water so normally do not expect any catch reports until later in the season
The Estuary
Starting from our opening day reports of some good catches of Sea Trout by anglers fishing the estuary have continued to be made.
The estuary has been popular for anglers in recent weeks with some very good catches of Sea Trout up to 6lb being reported.
Angler Nathan Chlosta was certainly in amongst the fish during an evening session 12th April when he successfully hooked and landed several lovely Sea Trout.
Congratulations Nathan and well deserved. Nathan indicated that at least one fish had predation damage unfortunately.
Local angler Colin Ferguson also enjoyed a great evenings sport on the estuary on 23rd April. “Another stunning evening on the Clyde Estuary a bit further down tonight.
I hit the jackpot on the ebb tide. The bigger fish didn’t stay on but I managed a good few 1.5lb fish. He’s back! Had forgotten what it feels like.”
So despite fish being see entering and moving up the River Leven the angling pressure to data has been very low. Again it would appear that
many anglers prefer to adopt and wait and see approach before venturing onto the river.
Any day now we expect to receive reports of the first salmon from the angler who decides to get out and have a cast.
A reminder to all anglers to please share details of your outings, successes and catches with us by email at