EGM Conservation Decisions – Immediate Benefits for LLAIA Members.

Extraordinary General Meeting.

On Wednesday 13 June 2012 at the EGM of the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association, the membership voted in favour of taking decisive steps to conserve migratory fish stocks in the Lomond system.  Dr Andy Burrows of the Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust gave an in-depth presentation which was followed by a question and answer session. Thereafter the following key policies were voted through:

1)  From 2013 there will be full catch and release of all salmon and sea trout caught before 1 June and after 30 September.

2)  From 2013 all sea trout above 3lb in weight will be returned.

3)  From 2013 a maximum of 2 sea trout can be taken per day.

4)  From 2013 a fish carcass tagging system will be introduced that will limit anglers to kill a maximum of 3 salmon during the permitted period (1 June – 30 September)

5)   From 2013 full catch and release will be mandatory on the upper Endrick from Honeyholm Bridge upstream.  This will include Coolies Lynn, Netherton and Fintry stretches.

The committee believe that these decisions will provide an excellent foundation for what we hope will be a system wide recovery of migratory fish stocks.  While these new rules do not come into effect until 2013 the committee are keen that anglers begin to adopt these principles with immediate effect and would encourage all anglers who fish the Lomond system to adhere to the above code for the remainder of season 2012. 

Simply put, the more fish we release the more we will have on the redds at the end of the year and the more that will return in 4/5 years time.  Hand in hand with returning to a natural stocking policy will be an increase in fish protection and it is hoped that we will have positive news on this front in the near future.

New Fishings Obtained.

Members may be interested that the results of the EGM have benefited them immediately. As a direct consequence of our adoption of conservation minded policies two pieces of water have once again been leased to the association. 

1.      Wester Ballichruin which is on the north bank of the Endrick looking downstream from Balfron Station Bridge (the water pipes) and contains some excellent pools has been re-acquired. 

2.     Alan Cuthbert’s stretch on the right hand bank looking upstream from the Balfron road bridge, which also has some excellent holding water.

These new stretches of water will be known to many Endrick fishers and will be a welcome addition to the water at our disposal.  As a condition of the leases members should note that bye laws 1), 2) and 3) above, that will be introduced elsewhere in the system in 2013, will apply with immediate effect on both waters.   

The committee are proud that over the 4 months they have been able to re-lease 3 waters, including the Craigbell stretch, that were lost to our members over the last few years.  With the leasing of Alan Cuthbert’s water the club now has access on the Endrick from Cowdenmill all the way down to Drumtain. This is a significant amount of water with a huge variety of fishing and we hope that members will take full advantage of the additional opportunities that are now available.


LLAIA Committee.


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