Wild Fisheries Review – Update.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association, like many other angling associations across Scotland, is currently at a crossroads.

The proposals contained within the September consultation document on fisheries reform, as they relate to our system, could if they are accepted as they currently stand by Scottish Government Ministers, lead to the end of the Association as we know it. We are not exaggerating when we say that out heritage as well as our very existence are in the balance.

Given the threat that we face the committee is first and foremost campaigning to have all of these proposals thrown out.

We have asked serious questions of the government agency, Marine Scotland, and despite submitting our response to their proposals in mid October are still awaiting a reply. We are not alone in this regard as other associations are also waiting for replies. The situation as it stands remains fluid and fast moving.

This week alone we have received support from two more MSPs, one of whom, Bruce Walker , has written directly to the Minister and the other, Drew Smith, has tabled two parliamentary questions in relation to our position. Other MSPs who have offered support include Jackie Baillie, Annabel Goldie, Jamie McGrigor and Ruth Davidson.

On Monday we meet with Marine Scotland. Where this will go we will have to wait and see but we can only hope that common sense will prevail. What we are sure of at this time is that there are no certainties but

members can be assured that once we have hard facts to hand we will make sure that you are fully informed.

LLAIA  Committee.





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