Lomond System News – 29.05.2012.

May 29th, 2012

River Leven.

There were fewer catches reported in the last week, most certainly due to the low water level, bright conditions and less anglers on the river.

However, on Wednesday 23 May, Stephen Gilfeather landed a 13lb salmon from the top pool and on Thurday 24th May, Scott MacFarlane successfully netted a 13lb springer from the same pool. Interestingly enough, both fish were also caught on the same type of lure, a black flying-c, which proves to be very popular on the river Leven throughout the season.

We could certainly do with a few days of heavy rainfall to freshen things up and get some movement going again.

Loch Lomond.

There has definitely been a dramatic change in the weather. Hats, gloves and scarves one day and t-shirts and shorts the next. That cold east wind suddenly turned round to the south-west, bringing much more pleasant conditions for Loch fishers. Perhaps  too pleasant. While there were no reports of fish into Voldac, some Balmaha anglers, no doubt having packed the factor 30 and a few cold beers.


Loch anglers enjoying the fine weather.

On Thursday 24th May, Ian Fraser and John Dawson set out from Balmaha and boated a 10lb spring salmon in Net Bay. The fish was taken on a blue/silver rapala on the troll.

Saturday 26th of May saw Euan McGrandle out on the Bank deploying his golden sprats. Euan swears by sprats, which produce fish for him most seasons. On this occasion he landed a 13lb salmon, lost a larger fish at the net and had a good run from a third fish. Euan makes no secret of his methods and has posted an excellent article on this website detailing preparation techniques and manufacture of mounts. Like everything else though, there is no substitute for experience.

Fish which have already moved into the loch will now take up residence until nearer the autumn, then moving to the rivers and burns. Many will move up into the colder areas of the Loch, most notably Rowchoish, which produces good catches every year, particularly when the grilse are about.

Endrick Angler Rewarded.

On Thursday 24th May, Chris Turner was presented with his reward of £40 in vouchers for Glasgow Angling Centre.


The presentation was made by Mr Paul Devlin (left), our partner in the Voluntary Catch and Release Scheme and Stewart Inglis (right), secretary LLAIA. Chris is the first angler to return a spring salmon under this scheme which has been extended until 15th of June.

River Fruin Clean Up. 

The first phase of the Fruin clean up took place on Sunday 28th May. Despite the warm weather, fifteen volunteers carried out some first class work. A large blockage caused by fallen trees was cleared and two other similar blockages partially removed.

Work was also carried out on the path from the quarry to the Horseshoe. If anyone should catch a fish wearing a pair of polaroids, please return them to Jim Muir.




……….and after. Our Chairman shows how it’s done.

Only one major blockage now remains and this will be tackled very soon. A clean up on the the River Endrick will commence in June.

EGM. The date for the Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association has been announced. It will be held on Wednesday 13th of June 2012 In the Woodside Halls, Glasgow. Full details have been posted on the Committee’s Blog section of this website.

Contact Reports at: web@lochlomondangling.com

Lomond System News – 22.05.2012 – First Spring Salmon Released on the River Leven – Voluntary Catch and Release Scheme Extended.

May 22nd, 2012

River Leven.

On Friday 18th May, Leven angler Robert Russell successfully netted a 12lb spring salmon at the Glebe. The fish, caught on a flying-c, was duly photographed, fin clippings taken and returned to the river. It was witnessed by fellow angler Andy Patrick. Once Robert’s claim has been scrutinised by the LLAIA and Mr Paul Devlin at Glasgow Angling Centre, our partner in the Voluntary Catch and Release Scheme, he should receive his choice of either £40 in GAC tokens or a bottle of malt whisky and £20 in GAC tokens. Paul, who has taken  a great interest in our scheme has agreed to extend his sponsorship until 15th of June.


Robert will be the first Leven angler and the second on the Lomond system this season to return a spring fish. He should consider himself a fine sportsman who obviously cares enough about what the future holds. While we don’t expect all our anglers to subscribe to voluntary catch and release we do ask you to think twice before despatching your catch. If you feel that you must, then please.. only take what you really need. Those few words have a familiar ring to them……….


There were mixed fortunes on the Leven this week. On Thursday 17th May, Brian Ward landed a 13lb fish from Chapel Hole, caught on the worm. That same day Bob Rodger lost a salmon of around 20lbs at the Flowers. He managed to get it alongside the bank and as Alastair Miller attempted to tail it, he was left with a handful of sea lice. We hear that Jim McDonald was out on the river during the week and also lost a fish of a similar size. On Saturday 19th May, Jamie Wallace landed a springer of 10lb from Chapel Hole.

Reports of fish attract anglers and there have been a few more on the river. Bryan our bailiff reckons that during the week, if the gates are down, there can be 25-30 daily, gates up a lot fewer and on a Saturday between 40 and 50, but on a six mile stretch of river that’s hardly shoulder to shoulder.


At the weekend the Leven clean up continued and a path has now been cut from the Boat Hole to Blue Bridge, meaning that a half mile stretch, which over the last few years has been inaccessible after May due to brambles etc, has  been opened up. Only the stretch on the east bank from the Bucks to the Wash house remains to be cleared. This work will be completed over the next few weekends. Anglers and members of the local community have been commenting on how good the river looks.  Once again a big thanks to all those involved for their hard work.

River Fruin.


The Fishery Improvement Group will begin work on the River Fruin on Sunday 27 May. As you can see there is a bit of shifting to be done, though we do hope for some mechanical assistance! Meet at 10am at the old quarry across the road from the farm at Dumfin. The main focus will be on the ‘horseshoe’. Everyone will be most welcome.

Loch Lomond.

The news last week of fish running the Leven and Alan Millar’s twenty pounder certainly sparked a few more Loch angler’s into life.

On Friday 18th May, which was not a particularly pleasant day with showers and a cold east wind, there were at least six fish off the Loch, all in the vicinity of the Endrick Bank.

Voldac member Scott Pryce boated a springer near Net Bay which weighed in at 10lb.

A further five fish are believed to have been taken by Balmaha boats. Peter Lyons was seen on the Bank with one salmon and later returned to Balmaha with a second fish on board. Lenny Grant was seen in the same area displaying a fine spring fish and on his return to the Bay also had a brace. It was reported that Michael Brady had a fish in his boat. It seems that all of these fish were in the 10lb class.


Saturday 19th May and snow on Ben Lomond.  Voldac member Alec Doey set out early, and after chasing a seal around the river outside the club made his way towards the Loch. Near the river mouth he landed a 10lb spring fish on an orange and gold rapala. After trolling the Bank he headed over to Auchentullich Bay where he had a second fish to a Landa Lukki lure.

Some hardy anglers on the Loch.





The cold conditions didn’t discourage these Loch anglers and at one point the Endrick Bank looked as though it was being visited by an Atlantic convoy, six boats being seen in Net Bay at one time, jockeying for position and others spread out from Balmaha to Stables Bay. However it was even too cold for the pike and there were no further reports.

On Monday 21st May Scott Pryce returned to Voldac with his second fish of the year, another 10lb salmon taken near the Boathouse. The forecast this week is for warmer weather with some cloud, which will make things more pleasant where ever you are on the system.

Contact Reports at: web@lochlomondangling.com

Lomond System News – 16.05.2012. First Salmon Returned

May 16th, 2012

River Endrick.


The first report of a salmon having been released this season has now come in. It didn’t come from the River Leven or Loch Lomond as we would have thought, but from the River Endrick.


On Monday 14th May, Chris Turner landed a fine 6.5lb spring salmon at Barnes Ford. The fish, which was a bar of silver was caught on a size 10 Tosh double. It was quickly photographed and returned to the river. Congratulations Chris, a bottle of whisky and a Glasgow Angling Centre voucher for £20 will be winding its way to you very shortly.


This is just the very news that we had been waiting for and hope that other like-minded members will follow Chris’s example.

We are now half way through May but with two weeks of the voluntary ‘catch and release’ scheme to go there’s still plenty of time to earn yourself some new fishing tackle and/or a good dram. As things stand we may be able to extend the offer till the end of June and soon as it’s agreed we’ll let you know.

We have now managed to negotiate the lease on the Craigbell Pool, which is good news for members. See the Committee’s Blog for further details.

River Leven.

At this time of the year we expect some good fish to show up in the Leven and that is indeed the case.

John McMillan contacted us to say that on Saturday 12th May, he had a fresh 12lb salmon at Sandy Hole. On Tuesday 15th May, Leven angler Hugh Bell had a fish of 18lbs at the Double Pipes on the worm and today Wednesday 16th of May, John McGinley had a springer of 11lbs at the Managers on a black flying-c.

With fish of this class being caught there should definitely be an increase in anglers on the river. Last weekend’s ‘clean up’ will make a big difference accessing certain parts of the river and a few less snags.

Loch Lomond. 


Still fairly quiet on the Loch, but it’s early days. A good number of sea trout have been caught on the troll and the fly. Some of these fish, as we’ve seen, into double figures. The surface temperature of the Loch is sitting at around 9 oC which is still rather cold for the time of year.

Alan Millar snr  set out from Balloch this morning, 16th May. On passing the Boathouse, down the bottom end, he got into a good heavy fish. When it was eventually landed it weighed in at 20.5 lbs. Well done Alan! The lure of the day was a copper toby.

This weekend may see a few more fish off the Loch. As mentioned earlier there are spring fish being caught in the Leven as far up as the Double Pipes, which isn’t that far from Loch Lomond.

All photos and reports of your day out on the rivers or Loch are still most welcome. While the voluntary’ catch and release’ scheme is ongoing we think it prudent to only post photos of anglers returning fish, but all of your photos will be catalogued for future use.

Contact Reports at: web@lochlomondangling.com

River Leven Spring Clean Up.

May 14th, 2012

The first clean up of the River Leven this year took place over the weekend of 12/13th May. On both days more than thirty members and ticket holders turned out and put in some real hard graft.


It was probably the most systematic clean up of the river for many years and it was amazing just what can be accomplished when we all pull together.


‘The Strim’  – the weekend hero.


The Boat Hole path before……..


…….and after.


No stone was left unturned…….


This burn had been badly obstructed for some time……..


With a good bit of team work……..obstruction cleared.

Over the two days, the skip sited at Bonhill Bridge was filled and numerous trailer loads of debris removed to Dalmoak recycling centre. Thanks to everyone for a great weekend’s work.

Catch Report 14.05.2012.

River Leven.

On Saturday 12th May a 12lb salmon was landed in the Renton area, caught on the worm. A similar sized fish was lost the previous day on a flying-c.

Today, Monday 14th May, we hear that a 14lb springer was successfully netted and await further details.

Loch Lomond.

The Loch is still fairly quiet, the strong, cold north westerly winds and generally inclement weather for this time of year keeping many loch fishers from venturing out.

However, Eric Donnachie managed out from Balloch on Friday 11th May and landed a 10lb salmon, caught at the Black Rocks on a trolled golden sprat.

Kenny McDonald set out from Balmaha on Saturday 12th May and connected with a springer on the Endrick Bank. Unfortunately for Kenny the fish, reckoned to be in the 12-15lb class, leapt out of the water successfully releasing itself from the lure. Sorry Kenny, you need to actually net the fish before returning it to claim a reward………………..keep in there though!

Lomond System News – 08.05.2012

May 8th, 2012

First Salmon of the season from the Loch.


A particularly chilly bank holiday weekend, but Loch anglers are a hardy breed. For some it was indeed a very successful weekend…..

On Friday 4th of May, Stuart McFarlane, a new member at VOLDAC set out from Balloch. Before too long he was in to a 12lb springer at Boturich rocks, a favourite early season mark.

Saturday 5th of May saw another new member at the Vale, Willie Nixon, set out on his first full day since launching his new boat. He started out trolling rapalas, but as there was nothing happening changed to tobies………and it made the difference. Willie successfully landed a 10lb fresh sea liced springer at Milarrochy Bay…..a lucky boat!

On Monday 6th of May, Pat Millar was trolling through Auchentullich Bay when he had a right good take on the poker resulting in his first fish of the season, a 9lb salmon. A gold/black/orange toby being the favoured lure. Good colours for this time of year.

River Leven 

Monday also saw Frank McGeachie with his second fish from the River, caught at the Double Pipes on a flying-c. Otherwise the river seems to have been quiet.

Catch and Release update –  ‘GAC joins LLAIA in £40 reward for catch and release of spring salmon.’

We are now into the second week of May and a few fish are beginning to show. If recent years are anything to go by we should see a steady increase in the numbers of fish entering the system as the month continues and accordingly an increase in those being caught. A crucial time for the system.

All of our members should be well aware of the voluntary catch and release scheme in operation during May. Mr Paul Devlin of Glasgow Angling Centre has kindly agreed to donate a £20 voucher for every spring fish returned. This along with either a £20 voucher or bottle of whisky from the LLAIA is fair reward. A further statement regarding this policy has just been posted on the ‘Committee’s Blog’ section of this site.

Everyone is always interested to hear of the results of our members’ skill and patience and see the fine specimens that the Lomond system can produce. As always we would like as much information as possible. While this initiative is ongoing though we would prefer only to post photographs of anglers returning fish……… the ones that get away! It’s hoped that it won’t be too long before we see some happy faces………. and even happier fish!

Contact Reports at: web@lochlomondangling.com

Lomond System News – 03.05.2012

May 3rd, 2012

River Leven

Although April was generally a fairly quiet month it ended with definite signs of spring fish running into the system. On Friday 27th Chris Arthur landed a spring salmon at the Cables. The fish which, which was caught on the fly, weighed in at 12.5  lbs. On Saturday 28th it’s believed that a further two fish were accounted for though no details at present.

On Wednesday 2nd May, Leven anglers Bob Baxter and Andy McAlwee had fish, both believed to be grilse, of 4.5lb and 3lb respectively at McKinnons.

Few anglers out on the river, but as reports of fish coming off circulate, many will be organising fly boxes and oiling up their reels.

Loch Lomond

Loch fisher Scott Sinclair was out from Balmaha on Saturday 28th and hooked sea trout of 3lbs and 8lbs on a tomic and a rapala.


Scott went ashore with the larger of his fish to ensure its safe return.

More Loch anglers are now venturing out and we would hope that over the May holiday weekend we’ll hear of the first salmon of the season ‘into the boat’.

Contact Reports at: web@lochlomondangling.com

Lomond System News – 08.04.2012

April 8th, 2012

Easter Salmon

After weeks of speculation and expectation, perseverance finally paid off for one happy angler…..the first salmon of the season!

Yesterday, Saturday 9th of April, Paul Dorrian successfully netted the first spring salmon from the River Leven. The fish, which weighed in at 8lbs, was caught on the fly at Stuckie Bridge. A memorable Easter indeed for young Paul and an encouraging result for our members…..the fish are out there……..congratulations Paul!


Smolt Traps

The valuable work of the Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust, headed by Dr Andy Burrows, continues and receives full backing from the committee.

While Paul Dorrian was enjoying success, LLFT members were assisted by members of the Association in siting smolt traps on the Rivers Endrick and Blane. These traps play a vital part in enabling the LLFT to assess the health of the system.



At a recent committee meeting, Dr Burrows gave a very full and enlightening presentation into the work carried out by the Trust and we are extremely grateful for his enthusiasm. The traps will be monitored on a daily basis and the results evaluated by Dr Burrows and his team hopefully giving a clearer picture of the system’s health and indications as to how we can best improve it.


Eddie Edmonstone directs operations.


Jim Freeman gives advice on salmon/sea trout recognition.


After the smolt traps were positioned a visit was paid to the hatchery, which now resembles Steptoe’s yard.


The future for this type of operation hangs very much in the balance, but at present it is certainly not fit for purpose.


The Bailiff’s boat was also inspected and found to be in a poor state.


This issue is receiving immediate attention. The engine will be fully serviced and the boat cleaned up and ready for use.

On the whole it was a very productive weekend…………..and a lot more to come.

Lomond System News – 25.3.2012

March 25th, 2012

The season has started fairly quietly, but there are fish about…

Jim McNiven was out on the Loch last weekend and as he was passing Balloch Castle made contact with the first reported springer of the season. Unfortunately for Jim the fish made it’s own contribution to stock conservation and released itself at the net…..the angler’s nightmare. It was estimated to have been around the 15lb mark and a bar of silver…..’ the one that got away’….

On Thursday John Bell ventured out for his first trip of the year and as well as enjoying the good weather had a successful day on the troll with  three sea trout, a well mended salmon kelt and pike all caught and duly returned.


The loch holds some very big sea trout and each year the earlier part of the season produces fine examples. John’s biggest fish of  10lbs was in great condition and would have been a fly fishers dream. It was caught just of the ‘spit o’ the Murrin’ on an orange and gold rapala…. and it’s still there…….

Thinking of returning?

March 23rd, 2012


If you’re a former member and thinking of re-joining the LLAIA now’s the time to do it. As an incentive to those wishing to return, the committee has decided  for this season to waive the £25 joining fee. Anyone wishing to take up this offer can download an application form from this site and forward it to:

The Treasurer, LLAIA, 4 Woodside Place, Glasgow, G3 7QF.  Make sure you mark it –  ‘Former Member’

The full ticket fee of £185 represents excellent value and there are certainly no plans at present for any increases.

Seasonal Hire – Balmaha

Sandy MacFarlane has agreed to continue his offer to the Association and members can enjoy a season’s boat hire for a fee of £300. This can be split by up to three members.

Bearing in mind the cost of a buying a boat, maintenance etc and moorings this is indeed a cost effective way of getting afloat.

For full conditions contact Sandy at:

MacFarlane & Son, The Boatyard, Balmaha, Loch Lomond, Glasgow G63 0JQ   Tel: 01360 870214.

LLAIA. Committee.

Rivers and Loch Reports – Season 2012

March 20th, 2012

The first salmon of the season is due to come to the net any day now and we are all waiting with some anticipation to hear about it……..

During the season we’ll be posting regular updates on what’s happening throughout the system. So whether you’re a river fisher or a boat man please send us your photos, stories, tips and anecdotes.

For those of you who enjoy a more off-beat look at our piscatorial pleasures, we are pleased to announce the return of   ‘Tales from the Loch’, where your own experiences afloat are always more than welcome.

We hope you all have a great season with plenty of memorable moments and a few fish too….see you out there!

Contact us at web@lochlomondangling.com